Sarah Brooke Sandin is a Savannah-based visual artist and co-creator of The Stables in Savannah Georgia. Originally from Victoria, British Columbia, she had an eccentric upbringing in Humboldt County California. Her parents nurtured creativity and expression and raised their family in an intentional community. A former performance artist and art director from Los Angeles, Sandin got her start in the arts and entertainment industry working as an model, professional dancer, art director and photographer. She went on to various creative pursuits in the art world and now consults for interior design, teaches art ritual and  creates as a self-taught painter.

Sarah paints as if music were alive. Her visual art captures the energy and vibrancy that music and cinema bring to life with saturated, vivid colors. Her paint and ink splashes, sprays, and smears across the canvas as if she’s pulling the musical notes out of the air and committing them to the two-dimensional form. 

Instagram: @sarahbrookesandin

sarah brooke: artist

Speak earth and bless me with what is richest
make sky flow honey out of my hips
rigid as mountains
spread over a valley
carved out by the mouth of rain.
-Audre Lorde, from Love Poem 

The Philosophy

| Strolls in the mountains, feet grounded in earth.
| Music drifting from a record player, a balmy night on the porch
| A sun soaked moment while waiting for paint to dry
| The cicadas wildly singing during sunset
| White sand beaches flocked with wild horses
